FoxycatAlice is a professional worldwide belly dance teacher and performer.
The chairlady of Asia Tribal Belly Dance Association . She started dancing at the age of 4.
She specializes in Tribal Fusion Belly Dance and Pilates. She has created the unique Peacock Fusion Belly Dance in the world since 2012.
The Traditional Chinese Peacock dance was her first performance on the T V Ban Na, when she was 5 years old.
She choreographed her first performance when she was 8 years old.
FoxycatAlice jumped in Jazz class in her youth. Then for variety of her dance style and knowledge, she took the Ballet, Poping, Belly dance and Pilates classes.
She has been invited to perform at Belly dance festivals and to be a judge of the Belly dance competitions, also teach the workshops.
Alice has traveled to Germany 5 years, teach workshops and judge the competitions, and the USA, Singapore, Japan, China, Vietnam for international Belly dance festivals.
She was the only dancer who from Hong Kong got a TV interview by the Germany and 'Thế Giới Văn Hóa Online of Vietnam .
She has big name on the ”Hagalla Das Tribal - Fusion - Belly - Dance Magazin” of Dus.Germany.
Alice taught the Bellydance on the ATV (Asia Television Limited) in 2014-2015, And had interviews by the TVB (Hong Kong Television )
Alice's Students got the 1st & 3rd place in the Germany International Belly dance competition (Tribal Due). They also got the 1st place in the Hong Kong International Belly dance competition (Tribal Due). And the 2nd place in the Hong Kong International Belly dance competition (Oriental Solo)..etc
FoxycatAlice has been teaching dance for 15 years. The ' Foxycat Dance Tribe ' was founded by Alice in 2010. Alice's group always stand out at recital. She is an amazing teacher who really knows how to get the most out of her students while having a blast. Her students grow and learn much more than others. Alice loves to lead her group travel with her for performance. she is so excited to share her passion and love for dance with others. Her passion repeated for dance with her educational background, bringing a special enthusiasm to her teaching style.
As her major was in fashion design, she loves to design and sew her costumes. She was a make up artists before she decided to be a full time dancer. She was invited for the cosmetics introduction and fashion shows in 2001-2005. Now FoxycatAlice also offers the stage make and image design.
'Tribal Kong (孔) ' is the Only International Festival of Tribal Belly Dance in Hong Kong, founded by FoxycatAlice in 2014. It is to build up the Tribal Fusion Belly dance Community of Hong Kong, also to communicate with the overseas and local dancers. FoxcatAlice has invited many famous dancers from overseas and Hong Kong to support the festival.
FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 是一位來自Ban Na (孔雀之鄉)的國際舞蹈老師,亦是香港亞洲部落肚皮舞協會主席。
她創造了全球獨一無二的孔雀肚皮舞。四歲開始習舞的 楊晴而 ,五歲時首次演出——中國傳統孔雀舞蹈,更於電視上播出。舞蹈造詣非凡的 楊晴而 更在八歲時編排了自己的第一支獨舞。
FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 除了舞技拔尖,其獨特的舞蹈風格及舞台呈現方式常讓觀眾嘆為觀止,甚至被觸動心靈感動落淚。
正因此FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 常被邀請到海外及本地作不同類型的舞蹈演出與比賽評審及授課,享有國際肚皮舞導師之譽。如 : 德國(連續五年,以Superstar巨星身份授課,評審及表演),美國,新加坡,日本,中國和越南等
於2013年, FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 是香港唯一一位得到了越南 ' Thế Giới Văn Hóa Online '電台專訪。
連續五年德國雜誌 ”Hagalla Das Tribal - Fusion - Belly - Dance Magazin”採訪的中國肚皮舞導師。
2015 年 FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 更受到德國電視台採訪。
FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 亦是德國政府認可的國際肚皮舞導師,可頒發國際肚皮舞證書。FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 亦是香港第一位被邀請到埃及開羅--
Ahlan Wa Sahlan Festival 2018 教授部落肚皮舞的國際明星導師,也是世界第一位 Tribal(部落)肚皮舞的老師受邀去埃及 . 開羅授課,做比賽評委及閉幕式(連續兩年)表演的國際明星導師。
已授舞十五年的 FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 ,於2010年成立了 “Foxycat Dance Tribe”, 並活躍於各類型演出。“Foxycat Dance Tribe” 總是能於表演中脫穎而出,全因為有 楊晴而 這位老師。她了解並知道如何突顯每位舞者的優點及潛能,使她的學生進步神速。
FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 的舞團更在德國際肚皮舞比賽中取得部落雙人舞 第一名 及 第三名,香港國際肚皮舞比賽部落雙人組第一名,香港國際肚皮舞中東獨舞第二名及香港肚皮舞主席盃三個金獎等賽事冠軍。
FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 喜歡帶著她的舞團到世界各地表演,並樂於分享她對舞蹈的熱情。楊晴而的教育熱誠加上其堅固的舞蹈背景,讓她的教學別具風格。
由於 楊晴而 主修服裝設計,她喜歡自己設計和縫製她的表演服飾。於她決定成為一名全職舞者之前,FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 曾是一位大品牌化妝師,她曾出席及擔任化妝品發佈會和時裝秀及選美活動的化妝師。化妝經驗豐富的 楊晴而 現在亦有提供獨家舞台化妝及形象設計課程, 非常適合舞者塑造自己的舞台造型。
“Tribal Kong(孔)”是香港唯一的國際部落肚皮舞節,由 FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 創辦。每年都會邀請許多來自海外及香港本地的舞者參與。在活動期間 FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 會邀請世界巨星級老師教授培訓工作坊,目標是擴展及宣揚香港的部落融合風肚皮舞,並與海外教師和舞蹈員進行交流。
"Oriental Mystery" 是香港高質量的國際傳統肚皮舞節。
由 FoxycatAlice . 楊晴而 創辦。 楊晴而 除了邀請國際巨星級老師,更會提供一流的舞台讓國內國外舞者共融進步,為肚皮舞發展做出貢獻。